A public library such as ours is a hub of the community that supports knowledge, communication, and education. Without your patronage, loyalty, and generous support, this free and accessible public service would not survive. Our library was created through the generosity, vision, and dedication of many benefactors and committed volunteers. We continue to rely on that generosity and dedication now and in the future. Our resources, materials, and programs may be a luxury for some, but are a necessity for many.

Federal, state, and local funding provides us with a fraction of our operating costs and the ongoing support of our community will assure that we can continue to survive and thrive in the future. Your monetary donations will be used to enhance library services through the provision of additional materials and services.

Monetary donations are currently accepted at the front desk and are tax deductible. Or you can mail a check payable to “Middletown Public Library” to:

Middletown Public Library
Attn: Donation
20 N. Catherine Street
Middletown, PA 17057

Here is our 2022 Annual Giving Letter

Or if you prefer to donate online you can do so via the PayPal button below.

Scroll down for other ways to donate! Our Gift Book Program and Karns Bags for Books program we participate it.



Donors of $25 or more may consider honoring or remembering someone special with a commemorative or memorial book through our Gift Book Program. The perfect way to celebrate a person’s achievements and milestones during life’s journey or to remember a person after he or she has gone is to ask the library to purchase a book in their honor.

The library will purchase a book (or audiobook or DVD) in a subject area or genre that you believe is most fitting for the honoree. We then create a bookplate commemorating the person you wish to honor and place it in the book we have purchased. The book is placed on the shelf for the person or their family and friends to see. Every time the book is checked out, people will know that the book honors someone special.

And when you place a gift book in the library, you not only honor a special person, you also benefit the library and the entire community. This is truly a gift that keeps on giving.

Fill in the form below and mail your check (minimum of $25), to Middletown Public Library, 20 N. Catherine St., Middletown, PA 17057. You can also pay with cash or check at the front desk. If you prefer you can print the form out at home by clicking this link. Call 944-6412 for more information.

Gift Book Program

Karns Bags for Books Program! Each time a shopper at any Karns’ location uses a reusable bag for their groceries, Karns will donate 3 cents to the “Bags for Books” Program. Half of the donations to the libraries will be cash and half will be in the form of Karns gift cards. Each library can earn up to $1,500 per year with a guaranteed minimum of $500 per year from the program.