Middletown Historic Registry
The Historical Restoration Commission (HRC) of the Middletown Borough has recognized the historic significance of the following structures. Structures with a star after them are also on the National Register of Historic Places.
- McKee-Light Home, Ann St.
- Liberty Firehouse/Middletown Public Library, North Catherine St.
- Dennis Snyder Home, South Catherine St.
- St. Peter’s Kierch & Lutheran Burying Grounds, West High St. *
- Simon Cameron Bank, East Main St. *
- Grosh House/Historical Museum East Main St.
- Simon Cameron House, East Main St. *
- George Frey Home, East Main St.
- Gollam-Coble Home, East Main St.
- Watson/Matheson Home, West Main St.
- Bradley-Coble Mansion, West Main St.
- Frey Mill, Mill St.
- Longenecker Home, North Pine St.
- Longenecker-Kern Home, North Pine St.
- Pine Ford Acres Community Building (Military), Pineford Dr.
- St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, North Spring St.
- Spring House-Dr. Swartz, North Spring St.
- Baum-Clouser House, North Spring St.
- Farmer’s Bank-(Brownstone Café), North Union St.
- Raymond/Sheaffer Home, North Union St. *
- Raymond/Young (Alfred’s Victorian), North Union St. *
- Nissley/Romberger Home, North Union St.
- Hursh Home, North Union St.
- Reber Funeral Home, North Union St.
- Presbyterian Church, North Union St.
- Elberti Home, North Union St.
- Force-Baldwin Home, North Union St.
- Smuller Home (He [Harmony] Chinese Restaurant), North Union St.
- Campbell Gun Shop/Weingartner Home, North Union St.
- The Elks Building, Tattered Flag portion, South Union St.
- Karn’s Market, South Union St.
- Swatara Ferry House, South Union St. *
- B’nai Jacob Synagogue, West Water St. *
- Roughwear/Woodlayne Apartments, Wilson St.
- Ziats Home, Selma Ave.
- Conrad and Margaret Allerman House, Farmhouse Lane.
- Henry Smith Farm, Swatara Creek Rd. *
- Star Barn Complex, formerly at Nissley Drive now moved to Hollinger Ln, Elizabethtown.
If your building is over 70 years old and you feel it is historically significant, please contact Bob Hauser with your request to begin the process.
(Email: marinedadbob@yahoo.com) (Mail: Historical Restoration Commission, Middletown Borough, 60 West Emaus Street, Middletown, PA 17057)