How do I get a library card?

An adult  library card for the Middletown Public Library will be issued without any charge to any resident of Middletown or the local area age 18 and older. You must complete and sign a library card application form and present a valid photo ID showing your name and current address.

A child between birth and 17 must have the library card application form signed by a responsible adult who agrees to assume responsibility for monitoring the materials borrowed by the child, as well as the child’s fines and the cost of any lost or damaged materials.  The responsible adult must be present with a valid photo ID showing their name and current address. Responsible adults signing for juvenile library card must also have a library in our system, those who do not will need to get one before signing for a juvenile card.

If the address on your photo ID is not current you may provide your photo ID plus one of the following:

  • A valid driver’s license address update card
  • A bill from a utility company of retailer addressed to the person and dated in the last three months
  • A tax bill with a current address
  • A copy of a current lease or deed with a current address


How can I use my library card?

A library card for the Middletown Public Library may be used at our library, the Hershey Public Library, and the Lois High Berstler Community Health Library. Because we are not part of the Dauphin County Library System your card cannot be used at their locations.

You must have your library card with you and in good standing with a balance of $0 on your account to check out materials or use the public computers.

Borrowing privileges may be suspended for the failure to return overdue books, failure to pay overdue fines, or failure to pay for lost or damaged materials.

Lost or stolen library cards can be replaced for $3.00.


How long can I borrow materials?

Most materials circulate for 3 weeks with the exception of new adult fiction, new adult audio books, and DVDs. New adult fiction and new adult audio books may be borrowed for 2 weeks. Up to 4 DVDs may be borrowed at one time for a period of 1 week.

Please remember that library materials may be returned to the book drop at any time.


How do I renew library materials?

Renewal can be done at the circulation desk, by telephone at 717-944-6412, or online.

Please note that not all items can be renewed online. Reasons an item may not be renewed include the following: another borrower has requested the item; that type of material is not eligible for renewal; you already renewed the item the maximum number of times; or because of overdue items and/or fines on your record.

Renewal at the circulation desk requires the items or the library card on which the items were checked out.


How do I put an item on hold?

You can search and place holds on materials using our online catalog and accessing your online account. You can also ask a staff member to place an item on hold for you in the library (with your library card) or over the phone (with your library barcode). When materials placed on hold are ready, you will receive a confirmation email or phone call. Your materials will be held for 5 days after notification and you can pick them up and check out at the front desk with your library card. If you cannot pick up the item within that time please contact the library.


What are the late fees for overdue materials?

Late fees for all materials (excluding DVDs) are $0.25 per day.

Late fees for DVDs are $1.00 per day.

Late fees may be paid by cash or a check at the front desk. Checks must total $5.00 or more.


How can I receive notifications that my items are due?

If you provide an email address when you register for a library card, you will receive a reminder email two days before your items are due. If you would like to add or update your email to receive notifications please ask a staff member.


What if I lose or damage an items?

A lost or damaged item is charged a replacement fee, plus any late fee incurred. It is your responsibility to contact the library to arrange for the payment of late fees. Any questions about an account may be directed to a staff member.